Bronze-Age Boat 3D Visualization

Interactive 3D model of a bronze-age boat currently under physical construction by the Dhakira Heritage Center (Work In Progress)

GitHub Unavailable (Private Repository) / Link to Website

This was a web application created under the direction of the Dhakira Heritage Center at NYU Abu Dhabi featuring a 3D model of a bronze-age boat that the department is reconstructing. This experimental archaeology project attempts to test different materials that may have been used in the construction of this dhow boat. This project was developed in collaboration with Junior Francisco Garcia (web developer) and was developed using BabylonJS. The application is still a work in progress as more details about the boat come in as well as a cleaner 3D model.

The application features a detail viewer, allowing users to click on different parts of the boat to read information about each part. The camera on the visualization allows users to view every part of the 3D model. This was made in order to make other 3D models of the department accessible on the web, with touchpoints for important locations for users to easily read more. The application also situates the 3D model in different environments including the open ocean, the beach and the desert, as a fun way for users to see how the model was used on the water. Apart from the different environments, different lighting conditions (night & day) as well as environment conditions (rain & clear) were added to the project.