Palettes From Art

React app that uses artwork data from the Harvard Art Museum API to allow users to create a palette of colors

GitHub / Link to Website

This project was designed and developed by Steven using React

This project uses data from Harvart Art Museum's API, allowing users to search through the database based on an inputted medium and century. Selections that the users made will update the artworks displayed accordingly. Boxes with the five most used colors in the paintings are rendered at the bottom of each artwork, and users can pick colors they like and it will automatically be pasted to the palette on the upper right corner as well as for pasting within their computer. Users can access the palette in the upper right corner (maximum number of eight colors at a time) and remove items from the palette by clicking the subtract sign next to a color.

This tool is intended to be used by designers or artists to search through famous and beautiful works of art for aesthetic inspiration.