
React web application for a non-profit organization (Web Developer and UI/UX Designer)
3rd place winner of StartAD's Youthtech Competition 2020

GitHub Unavailable (Private Repository)

SmallWorld is a non-profit organization with the mission of connecting high school students from around the world with experienced mentors, while providing them with structured, step-by-step guidance to aid them in solving humanitarian issues. SmallWorld aims to create a network of high impact high schoolers who implement measurable, long-term solutions for humanitarian problems in communities around the world.

The Application

I served as a web developer (focused primarily on the front-end) and was also the UI/UX designer of the application. The application was developed in React with a back-end in Node / MongoDB.

The SmallWorld application aims to connect high-school students with mentors (either college students or working professionals). Therefore, the application divides users into students and mentors, where students are given the ability to join other students to create groups and eventually connect with a mentor. Students can request to join groups or other students with shared interests through the application. NGOs can also connect with students via SmallWorld, providing them with manageable projects for students to solve.

Once a group is formed, students follow a structured curriculum that allows them to solve their problem in a way that best suits their skills/interests. The application provides the tools for students to input their progress, with a step-by-step blueprint gradually being filled out by the group throughout the project. Upon the completion of the project, the group is encouraged to publish the blueprint as a model for future groups.

Design / Development

The landing page features a spinning globe animation that I programmed and embedded using three.js, as well as a word-scrambling animation that unscrambles to be the issues that high-school students can solve through the platform. The landing page is intended to be eye-catching while also adhering to SmallWorld's ethos of anyone being able to become involved with solving complicated issues.

The blueprint includes five steps that require input from the user (either student or mentor), allowing users to iput text describing their project, an infographic that demonstrates their understanding of the issue, the group's collective skills and hobbies and a task list that members can create, edit and delete tasks from. Once the team is finished with their project, they are able to upload the blueprint for others to see in an archive of these blueprints.

Upon joining, users are able to input their hobbies/skills, location and problems of interest to enable them to match with similar users.

Finally, there is also a Leaflet map that maps these completed blueprints to the location of that issue that team worked on. This is intended to be a more engaging version of the archive of completed blueprints, also serving as a public-facing feature. When a marker on the map is clicked, a modal appears with a short description of the problem/solution as well as a prompt to go to the completed blueprint.