Space Dash

Web game developed using three.js and Posenet that tracks body movements

GitHub / Link to Website

To play, please play in good lighting and without other people in the frame!

This is a web game that tracks the position of a person in front of the camera to determine the movements of the ball the that is being controlled. The game features Posenet, taking advantage of the library's impressive ability to consistently track parts of a person's body. Leaning to one side or another makes the ball move to the same side that the person is leaning towards. Jumping, which is detected once the shoulder positions are tracked to be above a certain position, causes the ball to jump. The game takes the data from Posenet's processing of the live video and uses p5.js to display this information for the user to see in their live video at the top of the game.

The game was developed using Three.js, inspired by the simplicity of popular runner mobile games like Temple Run and Subway Surfers. This was my first time using three.js and I had to consult many resources to fully understand how to create 3D games.The design behind the game came from my love of sci-fi games and making a retro aesthetic.