This was a project developed using React,
Spotify's API, GLSL shaders along with Three.js to create 3D visuals. This was
a side-project I decided to create to play around with coding
shaders alongside practice with
The Book of Shaders
as well as practice React.
The application
authenticates a Spotify user using the API and then redirects them
to the application. The user must begin playing music through
their Spotify account. The API provides details on beats and the
loudness of different segments of the current track which I then
use to map accordingly to the visuals generated. The visualizer
features five different visuals: Dancing Blob, Magenta Sunrise,
Red Flash, Artwork Warp and Bouncing Boxes. I coded the visuals
for the first four modes using GLSL with this
package for
adding web shaders to React applications and Three.js for the
final mode.